[A poem by Dr. T. Radhakrishnamacharyulu titled ‘The Beauty of Smiths’.]
Unlike commercial glittery
The professional arts are lively
And the beauty of smiths is eternal
The Smith of words writes by woods
Emboss the phrases and verses beautifully elegantly
The books of thoughts are slated for ever
The Goldsmith dwells on artistic ornamental work
That adorne and glitted the natural beauty of women is well elevated
The woodsmith lives on
To design and prepare farm tools
Like ploughs to plough the fields,
doors to houses, cots to sleep
The blacksmith is another farmarmate
Whose profession is to provide crow bars,
spades, sickels, chains help the people
These smiths work, on anvil, to stretch
long plates wires out of gold and iron metals
The brass Smith is yet another craftsman
engaged in designing and costing utensils
Of metals like brass and aluminum alloys to villagers.
The Sculptor is an Engraver The Smith of stone and
wood works on toys and idols on metal sheets and wood pieces
print or paint papers and cloth
The professional arts are beautiful
In the hands of Smiths
Who sweat for livelihood
Pray one and all
Better encourage the arts and Smiths to live well
Lest, the starving peers in their lives

డా.టి.రాధాకృష్ణమాచార్యులు సీనియర్ వైద్యులు, ప్రముఖ కవి,రచయిత, అనువాదకులు, సమీక్షకులు.
5 సంకలనాలు తెలుగు కవిత్వంలో 1999 నుండి కరీంనగర్ నుండి పబ్లిష్ చేశారు. నలిమెల భాస్కర్ ‘సాహితీ సుమాలు’ వివిధ భారతీయ భాషల్లోని సాహితీవేత్తల పరిచయ సంకలనాన్ని “The Speaking Roots” Title తో ఆంగ్లంలోకి అనువాదం చేసినారు.